Jun 6, 2022Liked by Leanne Brown

This was a timely read Leanne. We can only be ourselves and yet, it's taken me half my life to work that out. And sometimes I still forget.

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Leanne Brown

We. Do. And then, it. Is.

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Leanne Brown

Can't wait to see what comes next!

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Jun 6, 2022Liked by Leanne Brown

I'm so pleased that you've started this newsletter! I haven't gotten my hands on a copy of Good Enough yet (still waiting for my hold to come in at the library) but I so love hearing your voice here.

We're of similar ages, with kids a couple of years apart and not dissimilar life trajectories (grew up in Canada, went to grad school and then had to figure out what to do with our lives). I'm also working to figure out where best to direct my gifts and energies in my life and career, and in an authentic way (is it something about being this age? Do most women go through this but not talk about it?). Cooking, though my job, is a significant part of that. It's so nice to feel like I'm not the only one thinking/going through these things, and I know I'm thoroughly going to enjoy reading more about how your approach to authenticity and self-care are showing up in your work and life. (Your new/old hair colour is a great symbol!)

I'm so sorry about your Dad, but so glad that you were safely able to get home and spend time with him. Reading Nigella Lawson's writing on death and cooking through some of the recipes that she most closely relates to the deaths of her mom and sister have brought me real comfort in tough times, so maybe they will for you too. There are quite a few in Feast, as a place to start.

And now I need to go figure out where the heck my copy of Good Enough is at!

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Thank you for that sweet encouragements Melissa. Yeah, these experiences are as utterly common yet we have them in isolation. What if we shared them and moved through them together?

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I hate cooking. I get claustrophobic in my kitchen and overwhelmed by how hot and smelly and loud the process can be - by the end of trying to batch cook, the thought of eating makes me feel sick. I buy cookbooks sometimes in hopes that will change. Not yet.

Your idea of a cooking class like a yoga class is making me anxious. But I know I need that. In addition to my sensory stuff (which is real, but much easier to handle outside of the kitchen), cooking means taking time to nourish myself, something I’m very resistant too. I know this needs to change.

I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. The line about showing wildlife photos made me cry - my dad does the same. I hope you can find comfort.

And I hope you email again when your Patreon starts.

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I will absolutely be letting you know when it starts. We have to get you signed up. I will be with you the whole time. And you can reach out anytime for more support. I love that you identified that it makes you anxious, and that means you have to do it. My heart absolutely swells for you. This could be a big deal for you. 💗

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This was a timely read Leanne. We can only be ourselves and yet, it's taken me half my life to work that out. And sometimes I still forget.

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Dear Leanne: You go Girl!! We are all connected. My Dad was from Canada also. I taught Hatha Yoga for 15 years. These simular attributes keeps me reading about others. If you keep sharing, I will let you read my Haiku's. Althea Jones

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Hell yes Althea! Bring on all the yoga and Haiku's!

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You got it :)

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