This morning I woke up early and immediately felt like it could not possibly be a good day. I was awash in feelings that only bad things were going to happen, that nothing I do will work out and that in fact I deserve that.
If you have ever felt this you know how hard it is to get up. To keep going.
After dealing with this my whole life you would think I would not be surprised by these feeling but I still feel so disappointed when they arrive. How do I get out of bed when I feel sick in my stomach and heart and I don’t even feel like I am worth taking care of? My life is wonderful in so many ways and in that moment I can’t feel that and I feel angry with myself for being ungrateful.
Hopelessnes. Despair. Loneliness.
Feelings that don’t belong here anymore, but are still present, curling their cold tentacles around my heart.
This time of year can be so challenging and bring up these old patterns. It’s the shorter days, the pressure of the holidays, family.
If you are feeling any of this please know you are not alone.
I have worked through these feelings for years and made huge progress, but we need community, we need help and we need to be seen. We need to undo the aloneness of it.
I invite any of you who are dealing with or have ever dealt with depression to share your experiences, share the light you found.
This Friday I will again host Emotional Support Hour at 9am ET. We will breathe, talk, move and feel together.
This button leads to the zoom link which you can save as a recurring event in your calendar for Fridays at 9am if you like.
Wishing each every one of you well,